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WGHS Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO)

Welcome to the WGHS Parent Teacher Student Organization web page. The goal of the PTSO is partner with the community for the betterment of the students of WGHS.  Our goal is to work toward providing scholarship opportunities for all PTSO seniors through membership and fundraisers.  


2024-2025 WGHS PTSO Membership/Scholarship Program

The goal of the WGHS PTSO is to award scholarship monies to graduating Seniors. In order to be eligible to apply for the PTSO Scholarship monies, graduating seniors MUST be PTSO Members every year they have attended WGHS (starting as a Freshman) and fees must be paid during the Membership Drive at the time they were enrolled.

Click here to access the 2024-2025 WGHS PTSO Membership/Scholarship Form.

Reserved Painted Parking Space Application - Now Open!

Paint your own Reserved Parking Space in the Upper OR Lower Parking Lots!

WHO? Seniors/Juniors (spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis) 

WHY? To build WGHS school spirit and lasting traditions, and to support the PTSO scholarship fund.

HOW MUCH? $75 to paint your parking space (this price does not include school’s parking permit, paint, or supplies used). 
IF RENEWING for 2nd Year as Senior: cost is $25

Click here to download the PTSO Reserved Painted Parking Space Application for 2024-2025!